Carnivorous Plants Website
Carnivorous Plants in the Wilderness
by Makoto Honda
Carnivorous Plants Story                          Contents   



 Pitcher Plants   GENUS Sarracenia

Sarracenia minor

A typical plant of S. minor grows up to 30 cm or so. In southeastern Georgia, particularly in and around Okefenokee Swamp, the plants are known that produce a pitcher exceeding 80 cm in height. These are given a cultivar S. minor Okef Schnell. The picture below shows a giant form growing in Wayside, Georgia. Note the giant form grows in much wetter habitat than a typical form.


Pitchers showing a darker maroon coloration on the hood. After a light rain. Unlike many other pitcher plants, a well formed domed hood protects the pitcher from rain water.

In this species, new pitchers are already fully grown at the time of flowering. Pollinators be warned of a potential conflict of interest. The pictures below show a bee tasting nectar served around the pitcher opening. A bee can be a useful pollinator for the flower as well. "Am I a pollinator or food or what?"


Introduction  Venus Flytrap  Sundews  Pitcher Plants  Cobra Plant  Butterworts  Bladderworts